$150 Cash Give away at Kingsley

Make Some Cool Cash everyday at Kingged

The competition began at Twelfth Feb and finishes on Tenth March. The competition is divided into 3 awards to be win easily and it does not price anything to you, so go ahead to participate in the contest.

Also keep in mind, if you won the award, then react instantly to gather your award within 72 hours. The awards are detailed below and granted according to the promotions that are marketed by the users. [Read more…]

Drupal Views Plugin Argument Error

I’ve had a couple of Websites on Drupal CMS from long ago and still loves to use Drupal than WordPress as it was my favorite CMS. When I was new Internet started to use Drupal for Social Networking website and it went successful, but their wasn’t more modules to move on. I use Drigg on my Social bookmarking website that is USA News and works perfectly, but haven’t built perfectly.

I also use Drupal for a blog platform for this Drip Irrigation website and that showed me plenty of interest to proceed also built a store too with Ubercart. There are more things that we are able to do with Drupal as I played with them few years back before went offline for some reason.

Now coming to the point I was running blog on Drupal 6 and upgraded to Drupal 7. but at this stage Views module started to give problem, please see the screen shot below.  [Read more…]

How To Build A Following On Social Media

Are you the proud owner of a small-business, blog or website? Most likely you’ve put a lot of work into creating informative posts, nice graphics, and curating all sorts of helpful information for your customers and readers to enjoy.

But how do you get the word out that people should visit your site or do business with you? Every time you check out your stats, there’s only a small trickling of visitors. Fortunately, you can use social media to build an online presence and let everyone know how great you are. Here are some tips for how to build a following using social media. [Read more…]

Twitter: Avoid 5 mistakes with your account

We all make mistakes every time, and we have to correct them according to requirement. Most of the Bloggers and site owners always makes somewhere mistake because we were busy in developing sites and blogs. Here are some of my top 5 mistakes that should avoid when using Twitter. [Read more…]

Decrease your Alexa Rank

Bloggers always want to decrease Alexa rank, but without knowledge or experience we cannot, My blog page rank is 3, but when it comes for Alexa nothing shows and I haven’t yet developed it from the last 4 years because of some family issues. In the end I thought to make some income from it and shows some Alexa rank require, therefore planned some ideas to decrease it and sharing with you all.

The best tool is to use Alexa bar as it can change traffic rank within a week, but using this tool will  waste of bandwidth and even for adsense as they won’t allow such type of tools. If you are running adsense on your site please don’t use this Alexa toolbar. [Read more…]