Decrease your Alexa Rank

Bloggers always want to decrease Alexa rank, but without knowledge or experience we cannot, My blog page rank is 3, but when it comes for Alexa nothing shows and I haven’t yet developed it from the last 4 years because of some family issues. In the end I thought to make some income from it and shows some Alexa rank require, therefore planned some ideas to decrease it and sharing with you all.

The best tool is to use Alexa bar as it can change traffic rank within a week, but using this tool will  waste of bandwidth and even for adsense as they won’t allow such type of tools. If you are running adsense on your site please don’t use this Alexa toolbar.


Twitter is traffic the genuine traffic that converts traffic into sales $$$. I had been using from the past years and has seen several changes, improvements using this twitter. If you have Blog followers, then you will be getting good traffic and clicks on Adsense too.

The second method from twitter is to tweet every day to show your followers as an active user. Always use your site url in the space provided by twitter, this also brings some simple traffic whenever a new follower follows to you people definitely likes your site.

Third is from tweets and the 140 characters should be exciting so that others should click it. Write something as Top 5, free anything should be interest. If you had thousands of followers, then the traffic will arises, build great followers and that should be on your niche.


Commenting on other blogs, sites where people are active, then that blog will send traffic to our blogs from the no-follow links as well. Exchanging comments with other people  helps to decrease Alexa rank, but also ranks better in search engines because of more content through readers.

Social Bookmarking

Submitting to top Social bookmarking sites will bring some viral traffic on the same day because of active members and Stumbleupon works great. Submitting to social networking sites also brings huge traffic especially from Facebook.

Google plus

Google plus is new for engaging news that will bring more backlinks and rankings in Google. If you had active friends on Gplus, then that drive huge traffic for you. In the past on my travel page it showed some exciting things and from images too that I’ve posted in the page.

Forum Posting

Google plus is new for engaging news that bring more backlinks and rankings in Google. If you had active friends on Gplus, then that drive huge traffic for you. In the past on my travel page it showed some exciting things and from images too that I’ve posted in the page.

Linkedin Groups

Linkedin is another active social network site that brings traffic to your blog, but you need active friends and post in groups that are active. I don’t have much knowledge or promotions on this networking site. I had 100 friends that is not enough to promote my blog as most friends having more than 1000.

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