It has been a long time for me writing posts about making money, However I am describing in simple method to generate income online. We always want to sell space on blog to earn cash, as it is a great income source for every day.
Buysellads is an oldest program for selling space on websites, but accepts large sites only, not smaller or low traffic sites. Some people try to lower Alexa by buying traffic, but this won’t work fora long time.
Why we need to choose alternative for Buy sell ads?
It is similar method for Adsense alternative, when any company becomes big, don’t care for small publishers and give them a chance to serve them, that’s a reason for choosing other programs to fit.
Kingged is my top of the favorite program for making little bit amount as it is easier for getting cash inflow. Kingged pays for every blog displaying their advert for a month from $5 to $60 per month. If it is $5 also covers our Hosting bill and even we are able to get domain. Kingged pays comissions for selling their products on our blogs.
Make sure you need to apply and get approved by kingged website.
2. Adsella
Adsella is another alternative to buysellads and it performs well. We are able to offer the adspace to buyers as for requirement to the buyers. Adsella deducts 20% money that we made for every payout as per their commissions unlike buysellads targets more profits. It is easily acceptable program for us, so need not to worry.
3. Blogads
Blogads is too just like Buysellads where we can offer spots on our blog for a fixed price per month. Blogads allow text ads and the marketing in advanced and enhance choices. It is the earliest ad system and allows to select best value ads according to the traffic.
4. Project Wonderful
At Project Wonderful we shall be making profits regularly with an substitute to Buysellads. The site allows live bidding because the advertisers bid on our ad slots so that we can generate income consistently. Project Wonderful allows even sub domain like Blogspot, WordPress, other sites too. Project Wonderful deduct 25% commissions what we earned from the advertisers.
At Project Wonderful the advertisers never think click fraud or anything and advertisers choose the right site. You always make money with this site without hesitation.
5. Publicity Clerks
Publicity Clerks is the best program for alternative to Buysellads as they allow to sell Adspace on twitter too for tweeting message.
This is simple as Buysellads, but we are able to sell Adspace on social network sites too. The more followers you have will be getting more advertisers on the particular niche.
You are able to set a price for 30 days to get good amount on selling space.
The above programs are able to earn money easily without hassle free. One need to worry about paying bills, and breakfast money.
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