How to Draw Arrows in Photoshop using line tool

Photoshop is highly effective application for modifying images, and illustrating anything with this application is possible. I was using Ms Paint until now to modify pictures and anything, but it doesn’t come with all the resources.

Best and Easy method to do fast.

1. In the toolbox click the Rectangle tool and once did select the line tool.

2. If you already know the line tool, then it is good to move forward.

3. Click the Drop down triangle.

4. Arrow Head box will appear, see below the screen shot

Arrow Head

Arrow Head

5. Understand the details of this arrow and play with it by giving numbers in the specified box.

6. If you ticked the Start, then the triangle will start from the mouse starting point.

7. If you selected the end point, then the triangle will be at the ending position of the mouse pointer.

Arrow Dimension

Arrow Dimension

8. If you selected both start and end point, then both triangle will appear.

9. Play here by concavity measurements and learn the arrow drawing.

10. If you want a color arrow, then select the color that you want to use.


Sample Arrows

Sample Arrows

2nd  method with layer tool, but recommend only the above method. Just for knowledge I am describing this as well.

On images we all want to draw arrows to show the exact thing what we are telling to the readers. Photoshop covers everything to put arrows anywhere. Follow the steps one by one to know how it works.

1. Click file new or open the image that we need to put arrows on it.

2. click the line tool and a set of tools will open.

3. Select the desired shape that you want to use on the image.

4. Select the desired background image for that arrow, if you want to select the background image, then do it at the beginning of selection of arrow.

5. Place the arrow where you want.

6. Rotate the arrow in clockwise direction using EDIT TRANSFORM PATH SELECT THE one that you need.

Layer Image

Layer Image


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