If you’re trying to raise some emergency cash and you have some gadgets lying around the house, a great way to get the money you need is to sell some of them. You might need to raise money to pay off emergency debts (those in debt can check out top 10 reviews of debt management software). You don’t have to sell all of them – just pick out the ones that you don’t think you’ll use much again and sell these ones. Luckily, people are always in want of gadgets, whether they are computers, tablets or smart phones, so you won’t find it too difficult to flog them. Because the price of new gadgets can be quite high, many people turn to second-hand items instead.
1. Make sure they’re in good condition
If they’re in bad condition, the price you sell them for must reflect this. If there are minor problems which can be fixed, it might be worth getting the issue fixed first and then selling it, but you’ll have to calculate the costs involved. If you’ll be able to sell the item for considerably more with the problem fixed than with the problem, then take the gadget to a repairs shop and see what they can do. You should also clean your items and avoid anything which might damage them at all while they’re up for sale.
2. Sell them on eBay
eBay is a great place to sell your unwanted gadgets, and you won’t have to pay anything unless the item sells. Once it sells, you will pay a certain percentage of the sale price, but you can keep the rest for yourself. Because eBay is used by thousands of people every day, it’s easy for people to find exactly what they need on there and it’s also good for sellers since there is a very large audience and many bidders. If you’re not sure about how much money your gadgets will sell for, do a quick eBay search and find out what the winning bids are on items which are the same as yours. Remember to take into consideration the condition of the item, which could vary from the condition of the one which you’re looking at. Other things such as the storage space and the age of the gadget also play a part, since people will pay more for younger items with more capacity.
3. Find the community notice board
You may find that there are some community notice boards in your town, whether they’re at your local church, nearby supermarket or in the shopping centre. Have a look around and see if you can put an advert in for your items up for sale. A lot of notice boards won’t charge you to put an advert in, especially if they’re for the community. Ask your friends if they know of any notice boards in the area where people pass by and where you can put your advert in.
4. Advertise in your local newspapers
Newspapers and magazines are great places to advertise if they have a communities section, and it’s not very expensive to advertise either. If you have a local newspaper or some local magazines which you get to your home, make a call and ask them how much it will cost for a small advert. Unless the advertisements are free, this isn’t something that you should do, since it could just end up costing you money to sell the items which you’re trying to make money from!
5. Tell your friends
Tell your friends that you’re selling some gadgets and see if they’re after any. There are ways to slip the topic into conversation without asking them outright if they would like to purchase one from you! They may want to buy some, or they may have friends who want to buy some second-hand gadgets. Word of mouth is a powerful tool, so they say, so there’s no better way than making sure the word gets around to as many people as possible.
6. Advertise them on social networking sites
Social networking is a powerful tool, since it’s pretty much built upon word of mouth and people talking to one another. Post on your Facebook wall that you have some gadgets for sale in good condition and see if you get any offers. You can do the same on Twitter, and post links to your Facebook pictures or upload some new pictures for your friends to see on their Twitter feeds. Another great way of selling things on Facebook is to find a buying and selling group for your area and ask to join it. Not only will you be able to see what other people local to you are selling, but you can try to flog your own items and raise some money. The fact that everyone in the group is close to you also means that you don’t have to worry about shipping the item to another location like you would if you sold the gadgets on eBay.
7. Be willing to take offers
If you want to raise some money quickly from the sale of your unwanted gadgets, you really need to be prepared to take some offers from people. People are always trying to get the best price that they can for everything which they buy, and your gadgets won’t be any different. If you know that you can get a good price for your gadgets if you just wait a little longer, don’t budge with the price you’ve set and demand the higher price. However, if you need to get the cash quickly and you’re not worried about getting a little less money than you hoped, accept some offers and get the items sold off! You could even offer a discount for people who buy more than one of the gadgets from you – this will make people feel like they’re getting a real bargain and will also help you to raise more money for the cause. If people offer you an amount which you feel is too low, don’t accept it but offer to meet them somewhere in the middle.
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