I am unable to access the Internet through WiFi due to DNS problem that is my ISP always make changes it plays on Dynamic IP.
Checking Internet connection shows excellent and connected too, but none starts or the data transfer rate is dead. I searched a lot on the Internet and few of them solved problem in different methods, but mine has made in simple method.
If you are facing with the problem WiFi connected, but no internet then please try this method.
1. Start –> Settings –> Control Panel or Right click on network icon and choose properties
2. Once the window opened you will see a set of Network connections.
3. Right click on the WiFi choose properties.
4. From the pop up menu select TCP/IPv4 properties.
5. Edit the D.N.S to and now everything starts to work.
I did these things and my mobile, laptop started working. Feel free ask any question in the comment box. I will be happier to assist you with best methods.
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