An easiest way to know How to make a calendar in word.
Making a Calendar in Word is easy and everyone knows MS Word as this is Microsoft Company made easier to learn students.
Follow simple steps to make calendar in word.
1. Open Microsoft Word, once it is launched click on file New.
2. Once the dialog box is opened click on other Documents, Select calendar wizard and click OK
3. After opening calendar wizard click next and choose the style, which you want. If you want to place an image, then choose the image calendar template which would be easier to make calendar.
4. If you want to print calendar without image or want to print only calendar on pages where are already had images, then choose for the option leave room for a picture, On the other hand you have to choose vertical or horizontal type calendar for your best needs.
5. Select starting and ending months, year mainly it would be January and December, but select ass for the customer or your requirement.
6. Once selected click finish.
7. The calendar will appear in Microsoft Word.
8. To be able to show appointments in calendar like festivals, holidays, then select all the dates by dragging from top to bottom.
9. Change the Font size for your requirement example 14
10. To add an appointment click after the number and type the appointment name.
11. Press the tab button in keyboard to choose next date or use the mouse to choose where you want to add appointments.
At the end watch this video to makeĀ quick calendar in word.